本學期開設課程 檢視

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資料項次: 1419 ~ 1419 / 1427
學期 1131
課號 982604
班別 0
中文課名 教院學士班跨域專業學術英文(一):文本解析與書寫
開課系所代碼 98, 共同必
開課系所 共同必
部別 學士班
系所限制 限教院學士班可選修
系統可選年級 1
開課教師 鄭妮妮
地點 圖資223創意教室
英文課名 Cross-disciplinary ESAP: Textual Interpretation and Composition
時間 2cd
課程大綱 113-1「跨域專業學術英文(一):文本解析與書寫」
(Cross-disciplinary ESAP: Textual Interpretation and Composition)
一、課程目標Course objectives:
The primary objective of this course is to prepare students' English textual interpretation and composition skills by integrating and developing both reading and writing abilities. Students will engage with cross-disciplinary academic learning materials and activities aimed at improving their understanding of English texts and expressing their own ideas coherently. This course also focuses on fostering self-directed learning through various extracurricular activities and online practice sessions. Students will be expected to create and follow their own self-learning schedules. By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Familiarize students with different types of academic writings through textual analysis.
2. Develop their textual interpretation and critical thinking skills by applying the analytical skills.
3. Hone and sharpen their composition skills as they articulate their thoughts and ideas as well as defend their viewpoints about the diverse subject matters and issues raised in the articles of the textbook through writing.
二、師生晤談時間及地點Instructor office hours:
Time: Tue. 13:00-15:00
Place: 圖220-7, LTC’s office(on the second floor of the library)
三、授課方式Teaching approach:
Direct instruction, group discussions, presentations…etc.
四、評量方式Grading criteria:(含評量項目及所佔比例,請運用多元評量)
20% - Midterm Exam
20% - Final exam at 1 pm on Wednesday (December 25)
10% - Self-study Assignments (English Self-Study Menu & Points Rewarding System on Language Center Website)
10% - ESAP Vocabulary
10% - Productive Skill Assessment (Writing)
20% - attendance
10% - quizzes

五、參考書目Textbook & references:(酌列作者姓名、出版年份、書名、出版書局等資料)
(一)教科書:Anderson, P., & Cullen, J. (2022). On Point 1: Reading and Critical Thinking Skills, Second Edition. Seoul, Korea: Compass Publishing.
Course schedule (week, topic, activities, evaluation/assignment, text, etc.):
第1週: Introduction
第2週: Unit 1 PSYCHOLOGY SDG 5 Gender Equality
第3週:Unit 1 PSYCHOLOGY SDG 5 Gender Equality
第4週: Unit 2 BUSINESS SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
第5週: Unit 2 BUSINESS SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
第6週: Unit 3 SOCIOLOGY SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
第7週: Unit 3 SOCIOLOGY SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
第8週: Midterm Exam
第9週:Unit 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SDG 5 Gender Equality/SDG 3 Good Health
and Well-Being
第10週: Unit 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SDG 5 Gender Equality/SDG 3 Good Health
and Well-Being
第11週: Unit 5 SOCIOLOGY SDG 4 Quality Education/SDG 5 Gender Equality
第12週:Unit 5 SOCIOLOGY SDG 4 Quality Education/SDG 5 Gender Equality
第13週: Unit 6 MARKETING SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
第14週:Unit 6 MARKETING SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
第15週: Review
第16週:Final Exam at 1 pm on December 25 (Wednesday)
Self-Study Assignments & ESAP vocabulary
影像敘事 紀錄片欣賞與線上討論及回饋 時間安排於第1~16週課堂上說明
八、TA協助事項Teaching Assistant tasks:
Moodle+BBB will be used when the classes must be moved online.
培養學生國際視野之教學活動: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
培養學生國際視野之評量方法: 1, 2, 3
培養學生溝通表達之教學活動: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
培養學生溝通表達之評量方法: 1, 2, 3
學分數 2.0
人數上限 30
選修人數 29
剩餘名額 1
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資料項次: 1419 ~ 1419 / 1427